Welcome to Lizi’s Pawsitive K9’s. By using our services, you agree to these terms. Please read them carefully.
1. Services
Lizi’s Pawsitive K9’s offers Behaviour Grooming, Behaviour Assessments, Separation Anxiety Online Training, Assessment Appointments, and One-to-One Training sessions. We commit to perform these services attentively, reliably, and with care, adhering to all relevant statutes, regulations, bylaws, standards, code of conduct, and other rules relevant to the provision of our services. We will provide a Service Invoice detailing the services to be provided.
2. User Obligations
By using our services, you agree to provide accurate information necessary for us to provide our services. You also agree to follow our terms and conditions and to issue reasonable instructions compatible with our services. You confirm that the information provided is true to the best of your knowledge and belief. You are responsible for providing clear and accurate information on the Registration Form and other documents provided for completion. This includes information about your dog's ongoing medical conditions, significant past illnesses, and any disputes related to the ownership of the dog or legal matters relating to the dog. You confirm that your dog is not subject to a Control Order under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
3. Vaccinations and Parasite Control
Dogs participating in Group Training Packages should be vaccinated in accordance with veterinary recommendations. It is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is appropriately protected against the risk of disease. Dogs should also be treated for worms and fleas. If fleas or worms are found to be present during the services, we may remove the dog from the session to prevent contact with other customers and their dogs.
4. Allergies and Food Intolerances
If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the Trainer prior to the start of the session, and to provide appropriate alternative treats or rewards for the session.
5. Infectious Diseases and Illness on Arrival
You must contact us prior to arriving for services if your dog is suspected of having a contagious illness.
6. Children in Training Classes and Sessions
Children are welcome to attend training sessions, with appropriate adult supervision. The company accepts no responsibility for children at training sessions and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to always ensure the children’s safety. Young people under sixteen must be accompanied by one adult.
7. Training and Handling Methods
The training techniques used by Lizi’s Pawsitive K9’s are based on the principles of positive reinforcement and, as such, are reward-based, kind, and fair to the dog. The harsh handling of dogs during training is not permitted. The use of physical force is not permitted during training sessions. Punishment or corrections by way of equipment designed to be aversive are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog.
8. Veterinary and Legal Advice
Trainers working for Lizi’s Pawsitive K9’s are not qualified to provide veterinary or legal advice, and the information they provide is not intended to constitute such.
9. Commencement Date and Duration
Upon signing up for our services, you have a 14-day cooling-off period during which you can cancel the service agreement without penalty, provided no services have been booked for specific dates and no deposits have been paid. If you request services to commence within the cooling-off period, you waive your right to this cooling-off period.
10. Booking and Cancellations
Bookings are confirmed once we provide you with a Service Invoice and you pay the outlined fees. Cancellations must be notified in writing no less than five days before the session date for a refund. If the cancellation period has passed, we may offer up to two alternative dates within one week of the original booking date. If these are declined or cancelled, no further alternative dates or refunds will be provided.
11. Fees and Payment
You agree to pay the fees quoted in the Service Invoice promptly when they fall due. If any payment remains unpaid for seven days after it falls due, we will be relieved of our contractual obligations and may offer the booked services to other customers. Additional charges may apply for services carried out on public holidays, weekends, or outside of our standard service area. You also agree to pay for any damage to our property or possessions caused by your dog while on our premises. Approved payment methods are listed on the Service Invoice. If payment is not made on a due date, we reserve the right to charge interest on a weekly basis at the rate of £40 per week.
12. Termination
The relationship between Lizi’s Pawsitive K9’s and you will remain in place until either party gives notice in writing. If you wish to terminate the relationship without using the services that have already been paid for, no refund will be issued. The relationship shall not be severed until all services that have been paid or partially paid for have been provided.
13. Standards and Insurance
We commit to providing a professional and reliable service. However, you must accept that accidents or illness may occur in a manner that can neither be foreseen nor prevented by us. You agree to indemnify us against any harm or damage caused by your dog, unless we can be shown to be negligent. We are covered by business insurance, but we highly recommend that you have your own dog insurance to cover liability claims from a third party.
14. Aggressive or Unsocial Animals
If any dog becomes aggressive or dangerous during the services, we reserve the right to take whatever action we consider necessary in the best interest of the animal, other animals, or people. This may include actions listed for each service in the terms and conditions.
15. Force Majeure
Neither party will be liable for any delay or default in performing its obligations caused by conditions beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, fires, floods, governmental restrictions, or power failures. The affected party will give notice to the other party of an event of force majeure upon it being foreseen or becoming known.
16. Data Protection and Privacy
We respect your privacy and will not sell or share your personal information with third parties, in accordance with GDPR 2018 (or subsequent revision). We may take and use photographs of dogs for marketing purposes, but no specifics pertaining to the location of the dog, or the owner will be divulged publicly. If you do not wish us to use photos of your dog for marketing purposes, please tell us in writing via email. Photography and videography of sessions or parts of sessions are not permitted without our express permission.
17. Assignment
We may perform any of the obligations undertaken by us through any other member of our group or through suitably qualified and skilled sub-contractors. Any act or omission of such other member or sub-contractor shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed to be an act or omission of ours.
18. Entire Agreement
This Agreement, along with the Registration Form, the Terms and Conditions, and each Service Invoice constitute the sole and entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the Parties written or verbal. Any alteration of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.
19. Notices
Any notice required to be served under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by hand, post, or electronic mail.
20. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement, its formation and any contractual disputes or claims shall be governed by and in accordance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Any Forbearance, tolerance, or delay in either party enforcing its contractual or legal rights shall not prejudice, restrict or prevent the right of the injured party to enforce its rights at a later date or later breach.
21. Customer Complaints
Customer complaints must be received in writing within 7 (seven) calendar days of the end of the service which has triggered the complaint. We shall respond to the Customer within 7 (seven) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. We shall use all practical measures to resolve the issue, and discussions about the complaint are made in good faith.
22. Training Classes and Packages
It is your responsibility to ensure you attend on the correct date, time, and place for the sessions according to our instructions. Customers must tell us in advance of attending sessions if their dog requires a muzzle and the reasons for it. The dog must wear a well-fitting muzzle for the session(s). Dogs must be kept on a lead during training and away from other dogs unless agreed with the Trainer. You are responsible for bringing any recommended equipment advised by the company to the session. You are required to keep your dog under control during the Services, and during wait periods before sessions begin. We shall be held harmless for any accidents, incidents or injuries to Customers and their dogs outside the period of the session unless they can be proven to be negligent.
23. Unneutered Dogs
The Customer must contact us and arrange to reschedule any booking for after the season is finished. This scenario falls outside of the cancellation policy.
24. Feedback and Next Steps
The training plan that is provided shall be specific to the dog attending the Assessment Appointment. It is not designed for and should not be used for any other dogs without prior consultation with us as it may not be relevant or inappropriate for another dog. If the training plan and next session require the presence of another dog to complete the lesson, providing the additional dog shall be added to the One-to-One session invoice. You agree to take all necessary steps to follow on with any instruction or advice provided by the Trainer. You understand and accept that if advice and training plans given by us are not correctly followed, that your dog will not improve as per any verbal or written assurances. You need to commit to reinforcing and practicing the training between sessions to see any improvement or transformation. You will receive a follow-up call within 7 (seven) days of the session to answer any further questions about the training instructions that have been left with you.
By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge that you are legally authorised and entitled to do so, you fully understand and accept the terms (having taken legal advice if you consider it appropriate or necessary) and agree to be bound by the terms.
Grooming T&Cs
Bookings are confirmed once we provide you with a service invoice and you pay the outlined fees. Cancellation must be notified 5 days before session for a refund. Late cancellation: We may offer 2 alternative dates within 1 week. You agree to pay the fees in the service invoice promptly – If any payment remains unpaid for seven days, we will be relieved of our contractual obligations and may offer the services to others. You agree to pay for any damage to our property by your dog while on our premises. If payment is not made on a due date, we reserve the right to charge interest on a weekly basis at the rate of £40 per week.
Dogs participating in grooming should be vaccinated – it's your responsibility to ensure that your dog is protected against the risk of disease. Dogs should be treated for worms and fleas and if these are found to be present during the services, we may refuse to work with your dog. You agree to follow our terms and conditions, and confirm that the information provided is true to the best of your knowledge. You are responsible for providing clear and accurate information on the Registration Form and other documents provided for completion. This includes information about your dog's ongoing medical conditions, significant past illnesses, and any disputes related to the ownership of the dog or legal matters relating to the dog. You confirm that your dog is not subject to a Control Order under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
In the event of matting observed during your pet's consultation, shaving might be necessary to ensure your pet's comfort. We may need to shave your pet very short, even to the skin, in order to alleviate the discomfort caused by the matting. Please note that there could be an additional charge for the de-matting service. It's possible that the desired grooming outcome or appearance you were expecting for this appointment may not be achievable. Our top priority is your pet's welfare.
Get in touch via our contact form regarding all our services
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